Photograph copyright Heather Brick
I took this photo to be used for a “stock photo” photography assignment for one of my classes at Northern Arizona University (NAU). This picture could be used for the art industry, possibly for a magazine for up and coming artists. The model in the picture is a very passionate artist who specializes in painting; I wanted to capture her love of art while creating an artsy atmosphere within the piece. I purposefully created interesting lines and space within the picture to allow for text to be placed, if the image were to be used for advertising. I also realized the importance of capturing the catch light in her eyes while taking the image. Another interesting factor about this image is the models eyes and where her eye contact is, this allows the audience to either be directed to text on the image or to create curiosity as to what the model is thinking or looking at. I want this picture to speak to creative people and inspire them to tap in to their artsy abilities.
I took this photo in a studio at Northern Arizona University. I used two soft lights in this image, one of which was a soft box (which can be seen on the right side of the picture) the other light which can be seen in the left side of the image was harsher than the soft box, so I used a scrim to lessen the strength of the light source. In post processing, I converted this image into black and white and then used selective color techniques in Picasa to bring back the color of the painting. I also used a softening effect on the models skin during post processing, which created a very smooth looking surface and appearance. My exposure for this image is f/5.6, 1/60, 500 ISO.
About the Photographer:
My name is Heather Brick and I am a senior at Northern Arizona University. I am majoring in advertising and double minoring in photography and graphic design. Photography is a passion of mine that I have recently developed in the last couple of years. I would love the opportunity to work in the field of photography and to travel and take pictures would be a dream come true. Within my galleries of images I have a wide range of techniques and styles that I use. I love taking images of details, historic architecture, and fashion. In the future I hope to develop a larger collection of images and create a larger clientele list. If you are interested in looking at some of my other images you can go to www.brickrh.wix.com/photography.
Thank you very much for taking your time to read about my image, and I am very grateful for the exposure and experience that this opportunity has given me.
To read more about the Northern Arizona University “Behind the Image: Guest Blogger” project on our blog, please read the introduction on our April 15 post at youcansleepwhenyouredead.com/wordpress/introducing-the-nau-photography-students-behind-the-image-guest-blogger-project.