Visit our new website Galleries at http://cms-photo.photoshelter.com/gallery-list to see this image and over 650 different images available as prints to help Emily and Emmy’s Army!
On May 17, 2012, life for my friend Emily changed forever. This lively third-grader underwent emergency surgery to remove what turned out to be a malignant brain tumor (known formally as a medulloblastoma: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medulloblastoma). Since then, Emily has bravely endured intense radiation and chemotherapy treatments to her brain and spine.
Though her mother, Tammy, and I used to sit next to each other at Intel in Arizona (I remember when Emily was born!), we both left Intel, and she and her family moved to Virginia a number of years ago. I’ve watched Emily’s journey from afar with heartbreak initially, but now with much happiness and hope as I see how her family, her team of doctors, and her community have rallied around her.
I want Emily to know, though, that there are people here in Arizona and across the country rooting for her too!
So in honor of Emily, from now until November 30, 2012, 100% of the profit from any print you purchase from me/CMS Photography will be donated to Emmy’s Army, a fund recently created to help cover Emily’s treatment and expenses. (Medical insurance covers much – but not all – of what Emily and her family must do to help her fight.)
That’s right, 100% of the profit. Not some of it. ALL OF IT.
To help support Emmy’s Army, please visit our new website Galleries at http://cms-photo.photoshelter.com/gallery-list. By clicking the “Add to Cart” button for any photo, your purchase in any size or format will directly benefit Emily. If you’ve ever thought of buying a photographic print from us – the holidays are coming up quickly! – please consider doing it RIGHT NOW to help her stay strong in her fight against childhood cancer!
Let’s show Emily we’re cheering for her in her road to recovery! And thank you from the bottom of my heart.
(P.S. If you don’t wish to buy a print, but would like to still help, please visit the Emmy’s Army fundraising campaign at https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/dLLIfto make a donation.)
What a wonderful idea Colleen. Love it!! I’m definitely buying one for the new office.
[…] previously announced on my blog (“Buy a Print & 100% of the Profit to Help 3rd Grader Emily Beat Brain Cancer” ), I planned to donate all the profit from the print sales during November 2012 to Emmy’s […]